Should I be Advertising on Social Media?

Business Owner – Thinking of Advertising on Social Media? Profits were up last quarter, and your customer service reputation is unbeatable within your space. Your Family sees how happy you are, and things are going well. You feel, however, that more is out there for you. You have been approached by radio stations promising that advertising with them is better than using newspapers or television. While there is some truth to that, your recently started Social Media pages occupy your thoughts.

Social Media Advertising

The engagement on the posts you put up is not good. You sometimes feel it is not worth it to keep posting on Social Media. You are considering advertising on Social Media, and while scrolling LinkedIn one day you see this..

VoiceOver. He also does Video. The reviews look compelling and he is certainly happy, and you need to convey a message for your business that exudes positivity and true sincerity.

As a Business owner, you need, especially with the way economy is now due to the virus, an inexpensive way to get the word out and essentially ‘Rise Above The Noise’, to quote David Brier.

While I’ve been using voice for 40+ years to solve problems and help people, the idea of adding video to my professional skill set made perfect sense. The original idea was to produce audio with my experienced radio voice and use someone else’s video, but that idea very quickly turned into utilization of video editing software, and being a ‘one stop shop’.  It has done well, judging by Google and Facebook reviews. I had been editing videos for the video game industry for a while, but decided not to pursue that full time. 

I wrote an article about actually doing your own voiceover which provides a different take on the advertising idea. Also, be sure to listen carefully to the final message when it is ready. Here’s more on that idea..

When we come out of the CoronaVirus era, as we will, YOU will be right there!


You Can Make Your Business Message Memorable


Chris Jones Gaming