Ever heard a really bad voice on a social media, radio, or TV ad? Was it for your product? Did you get results?
Here’s what you could have had..
Voice Coaching available - hit the form below.
Voice Talent to go with your new marketing video
What does VO stand for? Voice Over of course.
Chris Jones is a voice actor.
It’s an art. Telling a story with your voice. That’s what I do. You can hear the emotion, and it rivets you, the true sign of a good Voice Actor.
The Bow is Chris Jones
Commercial Voice Overs
How much can I get paid for voice over work?
This varies widely depending upon the job undertaken, potentially in the four figures, $1000 and up. That would likely be for a talent agency operating on behalf of a client. On his or her own voice talent pay varies widely, depending on the job.
Can I be a Voice Over Artist?
The Simple answer is Yes! You will likely need some formal mentoring and training and/or real world experience, or both.
How much do audio-book narrators make?
Medium and large-size publishers may pay between $100 and $350 per hour. Many new narrators entering the field are part-time and do not work often because of competition from more experienced or well-connected audio book narrators. Also, most new narrators do not receive pay based on standard rates.
Does Voice Talent get Paid?
Oh Yes! Voice actors get paid on a per project or per job basis. Earnings as a voice actor range from $100 for a 15 second recording, $250 for a 30 or 60 second commercial to upwards of $2500 to $3000, or more, per audiobook.
What kind of Equipment do I need to be a Voice Over Artist?
A Good Microphone, preferably not a USB microphone, but one that connects to an Audio Interface(I use an Audient ID4), which in turn connects to your desktop or laptop. You’ll also need Audio Editing Software for production and post-production of audio, commonly called a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). I use Adobe Audition. I would check out Audacity as well – that one is Free.
Can I use my phone for Voice Over?
Only in an emergency situation where your other equipment fails. Yes you can get decent audio from your phone, and in some cases, post production can clean up unwanted noises. However, it is not a good habit to get into.